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Effectively protects delicate waterproofing systems on vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Protection course products are touch, durable, lightweight panels specifically designed to protect delicate waterproofing materials from damage by normal construction traffic, movement of adjacent substrate or backfilling.

Technical Description

Protection Course is a multi-ply semi-rigid core composed for mineral-fortified asphaltic core formed between two outside layers of asphalt-impregnated fiberglass mat, which are weather-coated and covered with a polyethylene anti-stick sheet. When properly applied by work personnel trained in good waterproofing techniques, Protection Course will absorb the impact of aggregate shock and normal jobsite foot traffic. It also protects the membrane waterproofing from penetration by sharp aggregate during backfilling and later settlement. Protection course is available in three types; PC-1, Light Duty; PC-2, Standard Duty and PC-3, Heavy Duty. All three types are economical and convenient to use.


Protection Course is used in between-slab construction, such as plaza decks, roof terraces, promenade decks, pedestrian concourses, tunnels, floors of bathrooms, shower, kitchens and mechanical rooms, parking garage decks, planter boxes, reflective pools and foundation walls. Protection Course is compatible with most currently popular dampproofing and water proofing materials.